A CARE home in Rhyl has been commended for its "kindness, compassion, and respect" in a glowing report by Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW).

St David's Residential Home, on East Parade, which is working towards providing an 'Active Offer' of the Welsh language and has demonstrated a significant effort to promoting the use of the Welsh language and culture, was also praised by inspectors for its comfortable and clean environment; there is an ongoing refurbishment programme in place.

The latest report, published in May 2024, said: "People living in the home receive person centred care and support from staff who know them well and treat them with kindness, compassion, and respect. People are involved and consulted in a variety of exciting activities. Healthcare professionals are consulted when people’s needs change so that they receive the right care and support.

"Visiting professionals spoke very highly of the care and support people receive and stated it is always a pleasure visiting the home.

Rhyl Journal: Residents at St David's Residential Home in Rhyl enjoy a bakery activityResidents at St David's Residential Home in Rhyl enjoy a bakery activity (Image: Submitted)
"People’s personal plans are detailed and instruct staff in how to care for them. People are cared for by a team of care staff who know their likes and dislikes and are supported by each other and management team.  

"The environment is comfortable and clean and there is an ongoing refurbishment programme in place. The service benefits from leadership and management that provides good support to their staff and is committed to constant improvement.


"Internal quality assurance systems are robust and immediate action is taken to address any areas for improvement identified.  

"There is enough trained staff to keep people safe and to meet their needs."

The manager and staff were praised for expressing "genuine interest" in the lives of people using the service and celebrating individual achievements.

The report continued: "People speak highly of the care staff and look happy and relaxed in their company. They are supported by care staff who are kind and attentive and help people to do things important to them and which makes them happy. One person confirmed that care staff are kind and gentle with them. People commented positively on the activities available to them. Staff make referrals to other healthcare professionals as required."

It was also noted that residents have "choice and control" over their day-to-day life.

"They can choose how they spend their day in the privacy of their bedroom or in the different communal areas of the home," the report said.

Whilst visiting, inspectors heard the assistant chef asking people what they wanted from the menus for the following day.

The report said: "People spoke positively about the quality of food and support they get to maintain their hobbies. An enthusiastic activities coordinator is employed who actively seeks out opportunities to enhance the quality of lives. A small sample of activities on offer include jigsaw puzzles, films, music, art and crafts, and people enjoy visiting the hair salon in the service. Some residents are currently growing leeks and onions and are looking forward to using them in the kitchen.

"Outings are arranged and tailored to people’s needs and wishes such as ‘Lost in Art’ community project, pub lunches, visit to a pantomime or theatre, trips to the beach. ‘Sparkles’ the pony is visiting in near future.

"Considerable effort is being made in people receiving care in the language of their choice. Some staff can speak Welsh and some cultural events, such as St David’s day are celebrated. There is a Welsh board on display in the corridor which has words of the day. There is bilingual signage throughout the home and the business manager is very passionate in developing this area."

Siân Jones, Business Manager at St David’s Residential Home, said: "We are incredibly proud of our team and the amazing work they do every day.

"We are so pleased that our efforts in to delivering the Welsh Active Offer to enable our residents to be supported in their language choice and that this has been recognised."