PROPOSALS to convert seven flats in Rhyl back into two separate dwellings have been granted planning permission.

An application, concerning 14-16 Princes Street, was lodged in April by housing association ClwydAlyn, along with JPH Architects, to Denbighshire County Council’s planning committee.

The plans also include the installation of solar panels and external wall insulation, and the demolition of extensions at the flats.

In total, the site area measures 212 square metres.


Plans to convert seven Rhyl flats into two separate dwellings

This application was approved by the committee on May 20, as was a separate proposal from ClwydAlyn for “elevational treatment” of five other properties – 5, 20, 26, 28 and 29 Princes Street.

This would include replacing windows and external wall insulation, roof re-slating, new external roof joinery, and new rainwater goods.

No objections to the plans for 14-16 Princes Street were raised by the council’s highways or biodiversity teams, or by Natural Resource Wales, when consulted.

In respect of the other application, concerning 5, 20, 26, 28 and 29 Princes Street, JPH Architects said: “In summary, our development seeks to strike a balance between housing needs and environmental stewardship.

“We remain open to feedback and collaboration to ensure a thoughtful and responsible outcome.”

No objections were offered to this application, either.