DENBIGHSHIRE County Council has elected its new chair and vice-chair for the 2024-25 term.

During the annual council meeting, which was held virtually and at County Hall, Ruthin, the local authority re-elected Cllr Peter Scott (St Asaph West) as chair, and Cllr Diane King (Rhyl South West) as vice-chair for the next municipal year.

Cllr Scott said: “I will work for the people of Denbighshire to the best of my ability, and I will also represent Denbighshire County Council with dignity.

“Someone reminded me over the weekend that the plaque behind me says ‘we unite to do good’, and I would love to do that.

“I think uniting to do good is better than politics. Politics can get in the way, let’s do everything for Denbighshire’s people.”


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As it was the first full council meeting since the death of Cllr Win Mullen-James, the new chair continued by paying tribute to her.

He added: “I consider Alan (James) and Win (Mullen-James) very good friends of mine, and it’s so sad that Win has passed - it doesn’t make sense.”

Cllr Jason McLellan, leader of the council, added: “Can I firstly say congratulations to yourself and to Diane as vice-chair on your appointment, and for stepping in last year in difficult circumstances - we are all grateful for that.

“The recent loss of Win is so difficult and such terrible news. I really have to say thank you to Alan for his bravery and commitment for being here today.

“Win was in public service for many years and held many roles, and perhaps her proudest was being mayor of Rhyl, a town she worked tirelessly for, a town she loved and a town she was proud to represent.

“I knew Win and worked with her for many years.

“I’m grateful for Win for taking a lead cabinet position in planning, she stepped up brilliantly and worked diligently, and I will always be grateful for all her contributions and work in her cabinet position.

“Win will, of course, be missed by all of us as a hard-working colleague and she will be missed as a friend.”

Tributes were also paid by group leaders, Cllrs Huw Hilditch-Roberts, Hugh Irving, Arwel Roberts, and Martyn Hogg.

Following proceedings, Cllr Peter Scott asked the council chamber to stand and observe a period of silent reflection in gratitude and in memory of Cllr Win Mullen-James.

This was observed by all present.