A North Wales headteacher has been found guilty of 19 sexual offences following a three-week trial.

Neil Foden, 66, of Gwynant, Old Colwyn, was convicted by a 12-person jury at Mold Crown Court today (May 15).

All verdicts were returned unanimously by the jury, who had been sent out at 2.40pm yesterday.

He was found guilty of the following charges:

  • 12 counts of sexual activity with a child.
  • Two counts of sexual activity with a child by a person in a position of trust.
  • Causing/inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.
  • Possessing indecent images of a child.
  • Sexual assault of a child.
  • Sexual communication with a child.
  • Attempting to arrange the commission of a child sexual offence.

He was found not guilty of one charge of sexual activity with a child.

Foden's sentencing was adjourned until Monday, July 1, and is remanded in custody until then.

The former Bangor headteacher gave little reaction as the jury returned its verdicts at about 2.40pm.

"Plainly, it will be a lengthy custodial sentence," Judge Rhys Rowlands told him.

"You've been convicted by the jury of what was on any view, quite serious sexual offending."

He added that he committed a "grave breach of trust".

Judge Rowlands added: "I have to say that some of the explanations offered by you, at times, frankly beggared belief.

"The fact you put them at all is borne out of an arrogant, controlling personality as an individual used to getting their own way.

"You thought you could do as you liked."

Judge Rowlands added that he behaved in a "depraved way".

"Other senior members of staff at the school behaved entirely responsibly. They were in an invidious position," he said.

"This defendant was so arrogant that he just carried on. He was Neil Foden, a man who thought he could do no wrong."

The jury's verdicts in full:

  1. Sexual activity with a child (intentionally touched Child A sexually) - GUILTY
  2. Sexual activity with a child (intentionally touched Child A sexually) - GUILTY
  3. Sexual activity with a child (intentionally touched Child A sexually) - GUILTY
  4. Sexual activity with a child (intentionally touched Child A sexually) - GUILTY
  5. Sexual activity with a child (intentionally touched Child A sexually) - GUILTY
  6. Causing/inciting Child A to engage in sexual activity - GUILTY
  7. Sexual activity with a child (intentionally touched Child A sexually) - GUILTY
  8. Sexual activity with a child (intentionally touched Child A sexually) - GUILTY
  9. Sexual activity with a child (intentionally touched Child A sexually) - GUILTY
  10. Sexual activity with a child (intentionally touched Child A sexually) - GUILTY
  11. Sexual activity with a child (intentionally touched Child A sexually) - GUILTY
  12. Attempting to arrange the commission of child sexual offence (engaging in sexual activity with Child A) - GUILTY
  13. Sexual communication with Child A - GUILTY
  14. Sexual activity with a child by a person in a position of trust (intentionally touched Child A sexually) - GUILTY
  15. Possessing indecent photos of a child (six still and 11 moving indecent images of Child A) - GUILTY
  16. Sexual activity with a child (intentionally touched Child B sexually) – GUILTY
  17. Sexual assault of a child (intentionally touched Child C sexually) – GUILTY
  18. Sexual activity with a child (intentionally touched Child C sexually) - GUILTY
  19. Sexual activity with a child (intentionally touched Child D sexually) - NOT GUILTY
  20. Sexual activity with a child by a person in a position of trust (intentionally touched Child E sexually) - GUILTY