THE deputy head of a school in Rhyl has returned to his role after an extended period of absence.

Joe White, of Christ the Word Catholic School, had been absent since November 2022, along with then-headteacher, Amanda Preston.

Mrs Preston resigned last September, with an interim head, Bernadette Thomas, having been appointed.

But today (May 13), Denbighshire County Council confirmed Mr White has resumed his role as Christ the Word’s deputy head.


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A spokesperson for Denbighshire County Council said: “We can confirm that Mr Joe White has returned to his position as deputy headteacher at Christ the Word Catholic School.”

In February, Kate Smith resigned from her role as a governor at the school, attributing her decision to the “handling of the departure” of Mrs Preston.

Mrs Preston, she claimed, was “cleared of wrongdoing” following an “investigation process” which began after her absence period started.

Christ the Word was put in special measures following an Estyn report published in July 2022, after an inspection took place the previous May.

Steps taken at the school since then have included a new governor appointed specifically to address safeguarding concerns, and a new leadership team established under its interim head.

Though, follow-up visits by Estyn have led to numerous inspection reports stating that “insufficient progress” is being made at the school.