A MUM was left 'creeped out' after capturing a ghostly figure on camera during a spooky Halloween event. 

Gail Farrer, who lives just outside Ruthin, visited Gwrych Castle near Abergele on Sunday, October 22 to take part in the Escape Live; an immersive Halloween experience. 

The 42-year-old took photos of her family and the castle during her visit. However, when looking through her images, whilst waiting at the open air cinema, she was amazed to see what she had caught on camera. 

Gail said: "I had visited the castle before last summer but this visit was for a walk through horror experience with live actors entertaining you and trying to spook you.

"I was taking lots of photos of the family and the castle as we had a look around before the event. The kids were taking part in the activities and then we had a sit down at the open air cinema whilst waiting for our time slot to do the walk through.

Rhyl Journal: Gail snapped an image a woman's head in the window at Gwrych CastleGail snapped an image a woman's head in the window at Gwrych Castle (Image: Gail Farrer)
"I do have a interest in the paranormal and whilst we where sat down, I had a quick look through the photos I had taken and was surprised with what I caught in one of the windows not long after we arrived.

"There was something different about the figure I had captured in the window, it gave me the creeps! I thought it looked like a older lady wearing old fashioned clothing, a crown or a hood.

"I had heard the castle was supposedly haunted and one of the ghosts being a lady so whilst we there waiting, I Googled about the history of the castle and it made me think even more that I might of caught something."

Gail posted her picture on a ghost spotting page on social media and was surprised with the reaction she got. 

"I haven’t seen a ghost before but have experienced poltergeist activity a couple of times," Gail said.

"During lockdown, me and my eldest daughter Chloe started watching all the old seasons of Most Haunted together. We were watching it regularly and during one evening, we were in my bedroom watching it when I heard a noise. I paused the tv and Chloe said could she hear someone walking on the gravel outside. I then realised the sound was a scratching noise on the wall behind our heads.

"I got up to check to see if the bathroom pull cord was swinging and rubbing against the wall, as that is the room behind us , but It wasn’t.


"I got back on the bed and we was saying how strange the noise was and Chloe said joking, like they do in the show, 'if any ghosts are here with us now can you make yourselves known'. As she finished this sentence, my bedside cabinet rocked forwards and then back on its own violently shooting the draw open and closed in the process.

"We screamed out with fright and laughter and with such shock. We couldn’t believe what had happened but we both saw it and can’t explain it. I didn’t watch Most Haunted for a little while after that.

"I do think if you are open minded and go looking for it, the more likely you will find something." 

A spokesperson from Gwrych Castle, which hosted I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here in 2020 and 2021, said: "The Countess has been seen on many occasions by people attending our ghost hunts."