A NORTH Wales MS is urging residents to share their opinions on the 20mph speed limits in a new survey.

As of September 17, the majority of residential roads in Wales have changed from being 30mph to 20mph.

The Welsh Government claims that the new speeds will help to save lives and also encourage people to walk or cycle more.

But, the move has been met by a huge backlash, with over 260,000 people signing a petition calling for the change to be scrapped.

Sam Rowlands MS has long campaigned against the 20mph speed limits - and now he is calling on residents to share their views via a survey.

The Welsh Conservatives have launched a national survey to find out how the blanket 20mph speed limit has impacted on families and communities.

Mr Rowlands said: “The roll out of this ridiculous blanket speed limit was a complete shambles, ill thought out, with local authorities not ready and worst of all impacting on people going about their daily lives.

“It amazes me that a Welsh Minister claims it will reduce pollution when you are constantly having to change gear and brake because some drivers are now going even slower than 20mph.


“My office is still constantly handling emails and telephone calls from my constituents in North Wales who remain angry and frustrated.

“We have to keep the pressure on and continue to fight this barmy legislation which is certainly not showing Wales in a good light.

“I would urge people to take part in the survey and let us know how the 20mph limit has affected you, your family or your work. Whatever your thoughts, please tell us.”