A PETITION against the new 20mph limit in Wales has already received more than 65,000 signatures. 

The petition is calling on the Welsh Government to reverse the new law - which has seen 30mph roads reduce to 20mph. It can be found at https://bit.ly/45W6Igb.

The controversial new law came into effect on Sunday (September 17) - with the Welsh Government claiming that 10 lives a year will be saved as a result of the new speed limit.

There will be some exemptions to the new speed limit - with several roads ear-marked to revert to 30mph. 

The required Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO’s) for the exemptions cannot be legally implemented until after the September 17 following the introduction of the new legislation.

Confusingly, some 30mph signs remain - but all roads have been reduced to 20mph from Sunday.  

In 2019, Spain reduced the speed limit to 30km/h (18.64mph) on the majority of its roads. Since then, there have been 20 per cent fewer urban road deaths, with fatalities reduced by 34 per cent for cyclists and 24 per cent for pedestrians.  

However, a three-year study on 76 streets in Belfast city centre which were reduced to 20mph had "little impact" on reducing road traffic collisions, casualties, or driver speed.

Stephen Edwards, chief executive of walking charity Living Streets, said:  “Introducing 20mph as the default speed on our residential streets will improve the places where we live, work and go to school. 

“When someone is hit at 30mph, they are around five times more likely to be killed than if they were hit at 20mph. This is, quite literally, life-changing legislation.  

“We will continue to work with Welsh Government to ensure that our streets and pavements are safe and accessible for everyone in our communities.”