A MAN'S wake up call and New Year resolution has changed his life.

Dave D’Vigne, 49, from Prestatyn, joined his local Slimming World group in January this year, and has lost an amazing 5 stone 2.5lb!

The last straw for Dave came when he was ready to pick up a new set of work clothes and discovered the biggest size set of uniform they stocked was too small.

Dave said “I had never been this big before and this was a huge wake up call. I was suffering with severe heartburn and having to take medication”

Dave’s wife, and head chef in their house had followed Slimming Worlds Food Optimising plan before and totally understood how this was a going to be a lifestyle change.

Dave said: “It’s been great to have that support along the way from my wife, the group and also Debz my consultant. I couldn’t have achieved what I have without their support every Thursday evening at the Jubilee Centre, spurring me on and keeping me going. They’re my greatest cheerleaders”

Dave loves the freedom that Food Optimising gives eating foods he enjoys and says how it has been easier than he thought it would be, especially when he can enjoy his two favourites which are a cooked breakfast and a steak with all the trimmings.

At Slimming World groups members get help with any challenges they might face. Planning has been one of Dave’s biggest challenges that he has overcome.

He added: “The main challenge was learning to plan as I’d never done this before. Nowadays failing to plan is planning to fail, so we make sure that every Saturday we plan for the week ahead”

Another challenge for Dave was his fitness, keeping up with the kids and also the physical side of his job doing caravan maintenance.

He has realised that he has lost the same amount of weight as his son weighs which has definitely helped.

I feel like a new man. I have so much more energy to play with the kids and im loads fitter at work too I can crawl under the caravans without the fear of getting stuck.

My physical health is the best its ever been and, more importantly, this year I'm proof that a a decision you make in January can absolutely change your life.

The one thing Dave would like to share with others is that it’s important to think about the plan as a lifestyle change rather than a diet.

He said: ” I don’t look at food and think I can’t have that, it’s more of do I actually want it and if I do I can have it and fit it in on plan”

Debz’s Slimming World group is held every Thursday evening at the Jubilee Centre, Prestatyn, at 5pm and 6.30pm.

Contact Debz on 07984042064.