RESIDENTS all across Wales have begun to receive leaflets on the impending 20mph speed limit change coming into force this month.

From September 17, most 30mph speed limits in Wales are changing to 20mph.

This will make Wales one of the world’s first countries to have a default 20mph limit. 

This is, according to the Welsh Government, to 'keep our communities safer and improve quality of life'.

In the lead up to the introduction of Welsh Government’s new legislation for 20mph speed limits, eight communities across Wales were selected for the first phase of the national programme. ‌​‌‌‌​‌‌‍‌​‌‌‌​‌​‍‌​‌‌‌​‌​

As part of this Phase One Settlement Scheme, 20mph speed restrictions were introduced in Buckley, Mynydd Isa, New Brighton, Drury, Burntwood, Bryn y Baal and Alltami on February 28, 2022.

And, although generally in favour of 20mph on residential estates and around schools, hundreds of residents expressed concerns about its introduction on main roads and streets.

This week, residents across the country will be receiving leaflets detailing what the 20mph speed limit plans mean for Wales.

Here's what the leaflet says ...

'It's safer at 20mph'

"In the distance you can stop a car travelling 20mph, a 30mph car would still be doing 24mph. And when someone is hit at 30mph, they are around five times more likely to be killed than when hit at 20mph."

A Public Health study estimates that the move to 20mph will result in ...

  • 40% fewer collisions
  • 6 to 10 lives being saved
  • 1,200 to 2,000 people avoiding injury

Overall we can expect that ...

  • Our streets and communities will be safer with fewer collisions, injuries and deaths - reducing the impact on emergency services and NHS.
  • More of us - at all ages - will feel safer to walk, cycle and wheel in our communities.
  • Our health and well-being will be improved, now and for future generations.

See streetlights? Think 20mph ...

"When you see streetlights, you should assume that the speed limit is 20mph, unless you see signs that say otherwise.

"Most affected streets are in residential or built-up areas where people and vehicles mix.

"GoSafe, Police and partners will conitnue to educate and engage with our communities, and enforce 20mph speed limits, to make roads safer for all of us."

20mph. A bit slower, but a whole lot better.

"Most people in Wales (63%) support a lower speed limit where they live."