A PUB in Rhyl which closed late last year has re-opened today (August 21) under the ownership of a man who has frequented it for more than 20 years.

The Glanglasfor Club, just off the town’s High Street and affectionately known as “The Glan”, shut its doors in early November 2022, but welcomed back customers at 12pm today.

Freddy Tierney, whose whole family hail from Rhyl and who runs an e-cigarette stand in the town’s White Rose Centre, was determined to keep alive a “community pub”.

He has leased out the pub to Sam Irving, who is also running his own “Combat Academy” business at the premises.

The pub’s opening hours will be 12pm until late, seven days a week, with plans for more music events to be hosted.


‘End of an era’ as owners move on from popular pub in Rhyl

Previously, Freddy told the Journal: “I’ve been drinking in it since I was 18, and I’m 40 this year!

“That’s where the boss of the firm I used to work for drank, and I used to go there on a Friday to get my wages as an apprentice plasterer.

“The minute that I heard it was on the market, I was lucky enough to buy it straight away. If the right people don’t get these things, the history of these places just get lost.

“It’s a pub for the people of Rhyl; a lot of the old characters in Rhyl used to drink there. If someone came along and didn’t appreciate that, it would be lost.

“My old boss has been drinking there for about 40 years now; he’s on the phone to me every week saying: ‘When are you opening?!’”

The pub had closed in early November 2022; a Halloween-themed party was one of its latest events prior to shutting.