TWO electric vehicle chargers in Prestatyn have helped drivers travel the distance of a one-way trip to the moon since going live a year ago.

In June 2022, Denbighshire County Council switched on two 50kw rapid public charging stations at Kings Avenue Prestatyn, providing charge facilities for four vehicles.

The charging stations are part of the Council’s ongoing work to tackle climate change after declaring a Climate and Ecological Emergency in 2019 and adoption of the Climate and Ecological Change Strategy in 2021.

This initiative was supported by funding from the Welsh Governments Ultra Low Emissions Vehicle Transformation Fund.

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The rapid chargers are capable of boosting most EV batteries to 80 percent in under an hour.

Since becoming operational, the chargers have delivered 69,377kwh of charge, which, using the average EV miles per kilowatt, works out similar to a single trip to the moon.

The stations have also recorded 2,758 individual EV charges, working out provision for an average of seven vehicles a day at the Prestatyn site.

The two Prestatyn chargers are in addition to a 36 vehicle capacity charging hub with a mix of7kwh chargers and 50kw chargers at West Kinmel car park, Rhyl, funded by the Welsh Government.

These will be joined this summer by a network of charging points across eight county car parks.

Cllr Barry Mellor, Lead Member for Environment and Transport, said: “We are working hard to reduce the carbon footprint of the county to tackle the impact of climate change.

“As a Council we are actively looking where possible to replace existing fossil fuel vehicles with EVs to help use reduce our carbon emissions.

“We want to make sure that the public who want to make the switch to greener transport in the Prestatyn area and who do not have off street parking to charge a vehicle, have the option to do so through providing this facility alongside others in the county.

“It’s great to see the usage of Kings Avenue one year on and I would again encourage owners of electric vehicles to come to the car park to charge their vehicles and use the time to visit local shops and establishments to support the town.”