CAROL Vorderman has been called a "Welsh windbag" after defending parents living in poverty.

On Monday, LBC presenter Nick Ferrari made controversial comments about parents who are unable to afford toothbrushes and toothpaste.

He said that if parents don't have money to buy their children a toothbrush, they should never have become parents in the first place.

His comments sparked outrage on social media, with many describing them as "morally repugnant" and lacking in "compassion and humanity". 

Carol Vorderman, who grew up in Rhyl and Prestatyn, responded to Ferrari's comments by sharing her own story of growing up in poverty and being humiliated by language like this.

She said that her mother, who had three kids and five part-time jobs, could only afford one tub of hot water per week, with no money for heating or clothes.

In response to a Twitter post of the comments, Carol said: “I grew up in poverty and language like this is humiliating.

“My mum (three kids and five part-time jobs) could only afford one tub of hot water per week. Sunday night a few inches of hot water in the bath and we’d take it in turns to wash quickly. No money for heating/clothes but she was a great mum.”

Her story prompted others to share their own experiences of growing up in poverty, with one Twitter user stating their mother would heat water and cook on a camping stove, filling a bucket from a stand pipe up 72 steps multiple times. 

Former editor of The Sun newspaper, Kelvin MacKenzie took the opportunity to fire a shot at Carol, who in recent weeks has been hailed as one of the loudest voices against "Tory sleaze".

He tweeted: "LBC's Nick Ferrari ( destroying James O'Brien in the ratings) has angered the Lefties, and Welsh windbag Carol Vorderman, by making the point that parents who couldn't afford a toothbrush for their child should never have been a parent in the first place. That's controversial?"

Carol fired back, tweeting: "Welsh windbag here Btw is the Welsh adjective meant to be insulting? Yr rantings do often become confused, bless u Let me get this right, I & others like me born into poverty should not have been born at all according to yr idea of society? (Nick Ferrari)."

New research has since revealed that four out of five teachers in the UK have given oral hygiene products to students due to their families' financial struggles.

This news is likely to add fuel to the debate surrounding Ferrari's comments and the difficulties faced by those living during a cost of living crisis.