CAMERA Club member Jill Adamson has shared some amazing photos from Liverpool's River of Light.

The River of Light is an outdoor illuminated gallery on Liverpool's iconic waterfront.

It is a 2km circular route, featuring light and sound from local, national and international artists.


Electric Dandelions

Electric Dandelions


Jill explained why she was drawn to the event to take photos, saying: "It all looked so pretty and magical.

" I wanted to remember what I was seeing and share so others might go and have a great time. I was with my cousins, recently moved here from South Africa, also passionate and an awesome photographer, thought they would like the opportunity to take some shots."

She added that she picked up some useful tips.

Jill said: "Street lights can give terrible glare, be aware of the direction you point your camera at, try different angles.

"I learnt I can take pictures in the dark using my phone and just go for it."

The Liverpool Festival of Light ran until November 6.

As well as sharing the stunning photos taken by Jill, a 59-year-old counsellor from Rhyl, we took the chance to speak to her about her love of photography.

When and why did you take up photography?

Always had a passion for capturing a moment. Started more seriously when I was in my 20s, by this I mean I bought a reasonable camera, took a few courses in editing and photography techniques.

What do you love about taking pictures?

I love sharing what I'm seeing, it's a brilliant way to remember and record moments in time. I love the feeling I get, seeing what I have been able to create, makes me happy and excited, it's a part of who I am. It's an awareness of what's happening around me, recognition of the beauty we are in which we sometimes don't have time to appreciate.

Where is your favourite place to take pictures and why?

Living in Rhyl I love the beach, the sea front and what I consider to be the best sunsets. I think of everywhere I go as a potential photo opportunity, you just never know.

What equipment do you use?

Currently use my mobile phone, I have used a Fuji SLR in the past.

What do you enjoy about being part of the Camera Club?

I love being able to share how I feel about photography. It's great to be involved with like minded artists. It's exciting to see everyone else's images and receive compliments about my own.

If you could photograph anyone or any place who/what would it be and why?

I don't have any particular places or people in mind I just relish any opportunity to get my camera out as much as I can.