A COMMUNITY event at Rhyl Foodbank on proved a great success and raised much-needed funds for the charity and its base, the Sussex Street Christian Centre.

“Unity in the Community” took place at the foodbank on Saturday, March 5 between 10am and 3pm, enticing people with a coffee, a slice of cake, a tabletop sale, cake stall and various other different games and attractions.

The event, which charged a £1 entry fee, raised more than an invaluable £800, which delighted Rachel Round, foodbank manager since it was set up in September 2019.

Rachel said: “It went really well; we were really pleased with the outcome, it was a really lovely day.

“We had a steady flow of people, and lots of people came together to support it - I think we had between 60-70 people come through the door.

“The support from local businesses has been really overwhelming, to be honest, and we had some fantastic prizes on offer. I’ve still got money coming in, but we’ve raised over £800. It was really well-supported.

“We’re planning to do something (another community event). I’m not sure what, or whether it might be something on a smaller scale, but we will definitely try to make them regular events.”

For more on Rhyl Foodbank, go to: rhyl.foodbank.org.uk.

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