A GUIDE dog puppy named by Arriva Buses Wales has become a first-time father.

Riva, a yellow Labrador, sired a litter of eight healthy guide dog puppies that will be raised to change the lives of people with sight loss.

They have been named Taylor, Harvey, Roy, Tigger, Bobby, Rebel, Lucy and Eva.

The news was welcomed by Arriva staff, who chose Riva’s name after opting to make Guide Dogs Cymru their Charity of the Year.

They raised more than £5,000 with a series of inter-depot events and on-board bucket collections.

Rhyl Journal: Riva, the guide dog puppy named by Arriva Buses Wales, has become a first-time dadRiva, the guide dog puppy named by Arriva Buses Wales, has become a first-time dad

Guide Dogs remained their chosen charity for another year, and the firm has since gone on to raise enough for a second puppy, which they will name Arri.

Michael Morton, managing director of Arriva Buses Wales, said: “Riva is a stunning-looking dog, and it’s wonderful to know that the first guide dog puppy we named was so special that he was chosen to produce the next generation of life-changers.

“We are delighted that all the pups arrived safe and well, and we wish them every success as they learn the ropes as potential guide dogs. We look forward to following the progress of Arri, our second guide dog puppy.”

Puppy Riva was a big hit when he visited Arriva’s Bangor depot in 2018, with colleagues from the Wrexham, Rhyl and Chester depots joining the celebrations. The handsome pup was soon earmarked by Guide Dogs as potential breeding stock.

Rhyl Journal: Riva’s first litter of eight puppieRiva’s first litter of eight puppie

He spent his first year in Cheshire with volunteer puppy raisers Peter and Pamela Reeve, who helped to prepare him for life as a guide dog.

The couple were delighted to be offered the chance to raise puppy Taylor, son of Riva, who is settling in well.

“He is lively, inquiring and intelligent,” said Mr Reeve.

“He looks more like his mum than his dad. He is much paler and has a shorter nose than Riva at the same age.”