A KIND teacher has pledged to keep children moving as remote learning continues.

Tom Herd, a teacher at Ysgol Melyd in Meliden, is going to be running a daily fitness challenge for children to participate in during the latest lockdown. The first will start on Monday, January 11.

Mr Herd, who is relatively new to the school, posted on Facebook group Prestatyn Connect to ask for support regarding prizes for weekly winners.

He was overwhelmed after receiving an amazing amount of offers from businesses pledging face painting, a movie night box, a horse riding session, a free family swim, a 1-2-1 football session, vouchers, a teddy bear and many more.

Mr Herd said: "I'm going to post a video each day. They will be gym routines such as squats, dance routines, who can walk the furthest in a week for example.

"I just want to keep children active.

"It will run every day until we are back at school, which could be February now.

"We don't have school funds to pay for prizes but we've had 20 businesses who have given their support and have donated really good prizes.

"When I upload the video, say around 10am every day, I will be able to see when pupils have completed it and they will have to send a video.

"It will all be carried out through our school network system."

Mr Herd, who co-runs sports along with the deputy headteacher, was keen to express a huge thank you to all businesses that had contributed.

He hopes the fitness challenge will encourage and increase physical activity within Ysgol Melyd.

Wales' education minister Kirsty Williams said the government has decided to bring the decision making on schools and colleges into line with our three-week review timetable.

"That means that we will next review the situation on January 29 and remote learning will continue to at least then," she added.