FINDING a spot on the beach can be a difficult task during the summer, however beachgoers in Rhyl went from delight to disaster after parking their car on the sand and getting stuck.

Rhyl Harbourmaster was called to Rhyl Beach on Friday after a car had been driven off-road and became stuck near the harbour.

The white hatchback, occupied by a driver and passenger, had left the Rhyl Harbour car park, passed no entry signs along the jetty and onto the sand and pebble beach.

A spokesperson for Rhyl Harbourmaster, the authority responsible for manging the harbour, said its officer went to assist the couple until the car could be towed off the beach.

“The car became stuck because it was on soft and shingle sand,” the spokesperson said.

“We would advise the public to be aware of the dangers of driving on beaches and not to take their car onto Rhyl Beach because the sand is not suitable.”

In May, Rhyl Beach was awarded Blue Flag status for its environment, education provision, safety and accessibility.