A CARING couple have shown nothing but concern for an elderly couple who crashed through the front window of their butchers in Prestatyn.

Nick Bickerstaff, who owns and runs the Prestatyn Butchers, and his wife Kathryn, a nurse, were left shocked when they heard that a car had reversed through the window of their family business on Tuesday, May 7.

The shop window is now boarded up. Nick revealed that another window had sustained a crack and the walls are "bent in". 

Nick thinks the business will be closed for about three days. 

Rhyl Journal: Prestatyn Butchers is currently boarded upPrestatyn Butchers is currently boarded up (Image: Prestatyn Butchers)
Nick said: "It has been a big shock to the system but me, and my wife prior to attending, were only concerned about the elderly people in the car. My wife is a nurse manager and she went straight into work mode when we arrived. They were shocked and kept saying sorry, bless them.

"Damage can obviously be fixed. It is fairly bad, the impact, and 10 seconds prior, on my CCTV footage, a gentleman had just gone past. Sometimes people stop and look in the window and I’m so glad this man just continued in his daily outing.

"The couple where not injured, thankfully. They were checked over by paramedics and taken home by the police as they said their closest family members live in Canada.

"It was a bizarre moment for the vehicle to have ended up in our shop window," Nick continued.

"Again, we are thankful the shop was closed at the time of impact. It happened at 4.05pm and people where ringing me but I didn’t pick up as my son was having a haircut.


"Until my wife rang from work and told me a friend had informed her about it - obviously I thought she was messing about as we do these things sometimes, but today she wasn’t. The lady on the CCTV, who ran towards the car, I applaud. She watched it happen but there was nothing she could do at all.

"This lady ran towards them to help them. I would like to offer a little goodwill gesture to the lady and invite her to come in and I will treat her.

"We are Prestatyn and we help each other."